Analysis of CANDU Reactor Performance Using Thorium …
Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to study the performance of the CANDU (Canada Deuterium Uranium) reactor when the reactor core is loaded with thorium …

Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to study the performance of the CANDU (Canada Deuterium Uranium) reactor when the reactor core is loaded with thorium …
Abstract This paper addresses the development of a process to recovery uranium, thorium and rare earth elements from an industrial residue, with a subsequent removal of U and Th from the liquor generated. Sulfuric acid digestion followed by water leaching was found to be the best method to solubilise the metals. The acid digestion was carried out with an acid sample ratio of 700 kg t−1 and a ...
It is based on unit cell representations of the graphite-moderated, 2250 MWt Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Molten Salt Breeder Reactor (MSBR). This paper discusses the start-up of the first MSR in the transition to a thorium fuel cycle and identifies challenges and limitations of fuel cycle deployment with this reactor technology.
In this paper many of the issues related to the use of thorium at each stage of the nuclear fuel cycle are reviewed from the standpoint of industrial feasibility and economy. First, past experience with using thorium as a fuel for prototype or commercial nuclear reactors, particularly in high temperature reactors, is …
This paper presents the results of calculations for CANDU reactor operation in thorium fuel cycle. Calculations are performed to estimate the feasibility of operation of heavy-water thermal neutron power reactor in self-sufficient thorium cycle. Parameters of active core and scheme of fuel reloading were considered to be the same as for standard operation in uranium cycle. Two modes of ...
International Forum (GIF), are also considering thorium fuels and fuel cycles. Thorium fuels and fuel cycles have the following benefits and challenges: Benefits • Thorium is 3 to 4 times more abundant than uranium, widely distributed in nature as an easily exploitable resource in many countries and has not been exploited commercially so far.
The fuel cycles based on thorium can addresses both green house and proliferation issues, the two most important criteria for thorium to take the centre stage . Expanding the role of Thorium • The role of thorium, in the nuclear fuel cycle, has been studied by several authors and agencies in
[en] The paper describes the status of work on pyrocarbon-binder spherical fuel elements with thorium dioxide-base fuel for HTGR. Basic flow charts of manufacturing fuel microspheres, coated particles and spherical fuel elements are described. Results of investigations into the main characteristics of fuel elements and their constituents, including their operation under reactor irradiation ...
Here's a quote from a Frank von Hippel paper on the subject [2]: "On the one hand, gamma radiation from U-232 makes the U-233 from high- burnup U-233-thorium fuel cycles more of a radiation hazard than plutonium. On the other hand, because of its low rate of spontaneous-neutron emission, U-233 can, unlike plutonium, be used in simple gun-type ...
Thorium fuel has risks. […] Simple chemical pathways open up proliferation possibilities for the proposed nuclear 'wonder fuel', warn Stephen F. …
Research and development of thorium fuel has been undertaken in Germany, India, Japan, Russia, the UK and the U.S. for more than half a century. Besides remote fuel fabrication and issues at the front end of the fuel cycle, thorium-U-233 breeder reactors produce fuel ("breed") much more slowly than uranium-plutonium-239 breeders.
Thirty-three papers presented at the Thorium Fuel Cycle symposium are given. Topics covered include fuel-cycle technology, raw materials, reactor physics, and reactor concepts. Separate abstracts were prepared for each of the papers. (M.C.G.).
The ThO 2 fuel has higher thermal conductivity and melting boiling point than the UO 2 fuel, which is beneficial to the fast removal of heat and the improvement of fuel melt margin. In this paper, the material properties and thermodynamic behaviors of thorium-based fuel were firstly reviewed. And then the thermal physical properties and the fuel behavior models of Th 0.923 U 0.077 O 2 fuel …
In this paper, the concept of a fast neutron reactor with a sodium coolant, metallic U–Pu fuel in the core, and metallic uranium and thorium in the blankets is considered. It is shown that the optimum versions of the core configuration can provide high parameters of secondary nuclear fuel breeding, about 270 to 300 kg/GW (el.)/year.
Abstract. By around 2025, thorium-based fuel cycles are likely to be deployed internationally. States such as China and India are pursuing research, development, and deployment pathways toward a number of commercial-scale thorium fuel cycles, and they are already building test reactors and the associated fuel cycle infrastructure.
In this paper, it is concluded that directed research and development programs are required to meet the identified safeguards challenges and to take timely action in preparation for the international deployment of thorium fuel cycles.}, doi = {10.13182/NT15-103}, journal = {Nuclear Technology}, number = 2, volume = 194, place = {United States ...
This paper describes an innovative reactor concept, the TMSR-NM (non-moderated thorium molten salt reactor), from the nuclear physic point of view and the different steps involving in the ...
The main objective of this paper is to examine the use of thorium-based fuel cycle for the transportable reactors or transportable nuclear power plants (TNPP) VBER-150 concept, in particular the neutronic behavior. The thorium-based fuel cycles included Th 232 +Pu 239, Th 232 +U 233, and Th 232 +U and the standard design fuel UOX.
fuel material of thorium. The calculations were performed with MCNP 6.2 code which can calculate out depletion and criticality calculations. The reactors in the in this paper, the fuel using thorium which enriched with U 233 is proposed. The calculation was proceeded from changing the fuel composition from the reference model
This paper addresses the characteristics of these different launching modes of the MSFR and the Thorium fuel cycle, in terms of safety, proliferation, breeding, and deployment capacities of these reactor configurations. To illustrate the deployment capacities of the MSFR concept, a French nuclear deployment scenario is finally presented ...
In this paper, it is concluded that directed research and development programs are required to meet the identified safeguards challenges and to take timely action in preparation for the international deployment of thorium fuel cycles.}, doi = {10.13182/NT15-103}, journal = {Nuclear Technology}, number = 2, volume = 194, place = {United States ...
Thorium is being touted as an ideal fuel for a new generation of nuclear power plants, but in a piece in this week's Nature, researchers suggest it may not …
Thorium fuel for nuclear energy Muammer Kaya and Sait Kursunoglu Osmangazi University, Turkey ABSTRACT Energy is the major concern for society. It is expected that developing country economies and populations will grow and consume more energy. Interest in nuclear power is rising, while the world looks for non-depletable energy source that will ...
Fabricating "thorium fuel" is expensive. The thorium fuel cycle would be more expensive than the uranium fuel cycle. Using a traditional light-water (once-through) reactor, thorium fuel would need both uranium enrichment (or plutonium separation) and thorium target rod production. Using a breeder reactor makes costly reprocessing necessary.
This paper briefly goes over the background on using thorium as a source for nuclear reactors and discusses the major benefits and drawbacks of using thorium as an energy source for nuclear power. Background. Thorium has properties like uranium which allows it to fuel a nuclear chain reaction.
This paper briefly reviews the developments of Thorium-fuel cycle for nuclear energy from global and Turkish perspectives. Previous thorium reserve development and recovery studies from Turkish ...
This paper presented a review on the past, present and the future of thorium fuel cycle. The aim of this study is to evaluate the developments in thorium fuel cycle, looking at the prospects and drawbacks on the possibility of thorium-based nuclear fuel for commercial reactors realising the increasing challenges of uranium-based nuclear fuel.
interest in the thorium fuel cycle has grown notably, with several commercial and research organisations looking to undertake assessments of thorium fuels for a variety of reasons. This paper provides an independent review of the thorium fuel cycle by the UK National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL), highlighting the strengths and
of "Thorium Fuel Cycle for a Molten Salt Reactor: State of Missouri Feasibility Study." The study consisted of developing a primer to be shared with interested parties in the nuclear community and the state. This paper was generated from this research study and the approach students took towards synthesizing the primer are annotated throughout.
The reasons for the attractiveness of thorium as a fuel for CANDU reactors are discussed. By the use of thorium fuels it is shown that the amount of energy that can be extracted from nuclear fuel resources can be increased substantially. Cumulative savings in nuclear fuel requirements are estimated for a number of situations.