Troubadour to acquire historic gold rush-era Zeballos ...
Within the claims lies the historic Zeballos high-grade gold mining camp which, according to Troubadour, was the site of a major gold rush …

Within the claims lies the historic Zeballos high-grade gold mining camp which, according to Troubadour, was the site of a major gold rush …
BC Placer Gold Claims. 6,675 likes · 13 talking about this · 117 were here. BC Placer Gold Claims provides gold claims in all areas of BC for gold prospecting, gold panning, gold mining and investment.
The Oyster River originates in the mountains of the Forbidden Plateau on Vancouver Island. The Oyster River drains an area of about 376 square kilometres before entering the Strait of Georgia. Little Oyster River, Woodhus Creek, Piggott Creek, and Adrian Creek are the major tributaries to the Oyster River. In general, the streamflow is characterized…
vancouver island placer gold claims. Description: JORDAN RIVER Placer Claim $20,000. 85.54 hectares (211.37 acres). The property is comprised of BC placer tenure 1084895.
Vancouver Island Gold Adventures offers a first class BC gold -panning experience …. There is a 1500 metres of creek valley to explore with gold found at almost all …. » More detailed. gold claims expired vancouver island. crusher for rent vancouver island. gold claims for sale on tulameen river bc. mineral claims on wild horse creek b.c.
Beautiful Gold/Platinum Claim on the Tulameen River in the historic town Coalmont, BC. The gravel bars are littered with quartz. The access is perfect for any hobbyist and there is parking right at the river edge. There are also historical records of platinum on this …
Find Gold On Vancouver Island! At Vancouver Island Gold Mining we have everything you need for the Gold adventure of a lifetime. Our mining claims are in the famous Port Alberni BC China Creek & Minerals Creek Gold Fields, where the gold is very plentiful. Call or email us today to schedule your gold …
Find mining properties, gold mines for sale, BC placer claims, gold claims & more. Placer mines and other gold mining properties and mining claims.
43 Mineral Claims For Sale Copper Gold MineListingsLODE GOLD DEPOSITS British Columbia. 43 Mineral Claims For Sale Copper Gold Located on Vancouver Island British Columbia Canada Description Mactush Comprised of 39 mineral claims covering 16 946 hectar Accessible by road located approximately 10 kilometres south of Port Alberni British ColumbiaLODE GOLD DEPOSITS VANCOUVER ISLAND …
Vancouver Island -A Look At Some Areas Of Mineralization Now that we have taken a look at the geology of Vancouver Island, let's take a look at some areas of mineral interest. An old copper mine and an unmined gold deposit sit on the northeast side of Mount Washington near the top of the mountain, which is mainly composed of highly faulted ...
Under "Claims and Equipment for Sale" thefollowing has been sold. 1 Gary Yendalls' two claims on Hixon Creek. 2 James Frasers' trummel has been sold to someone on Vancouver Island. Hardly recognized you without the beard. Makes you look ten years younger. Bill Wilson Prince George.
It was a few years after the California gold rush was starting to wind down and prospectors started to move. They headed further north in Oregon and Washington and then eventually some of them ended up on Vancouver Island. It was there in 1864 that gold was found in the Leech and Sooke rivers.
Vancouver Island has a long history of mining and mineral exploration but according to Geoscience BC, there are still areas on the northern Island that remain relatively under-explored. Truman explained how the project was designed to provide current and unbiased information to help in exploration and aid in the development of those resources.
A few good areas to try on Vancouver Island are Leechtown west of Sooke along the Galloping Goose Trail, San Juan River Valley near Port Renfrew, Nanaimo River watershed, and Gold River. Your chances of finding gold depend largely on your …
Further claims (1941) known as the B and K are on the divide between China Creek and the East Fork of the Nitinat River near Summit Lake. The cabin was reached by a climb of 1,500 feet along a steep and narrow foot-trail. Vancouver Island Gold Mine - Mineral Creek
Fall is arriving on Vancouver Island Canada with cooler weather and some rain. The forests are increasingly resistant to fire and safe to enter. Our mining claim is at the 4000-5000 foot level on the side of a heavily forested mountain. After testing several washes with a long prob we were finding depth to be in the vicinity of 1 m / 3 feet.
The project is called Solwara 1 and is being developed by a Vancouver BC mining company called Nautilus Minerals. Solwara 1 is a copper/gold SMS deposit with estimated copper grades of 7% and gold grades in excess of 20g/t and an average gold grade of 6g/t. The property sits at about 1600m depth.
West Coast Placer has claims for sale in the regions listed below, click on the link to see the claims available in that region. Yukon Territory Tulameen and Similkameen Claims Fraser River Claims Cariboo, Kootenays and Thompson . If you would like more information please send a …
MARY MCQUILTON GOLD. A small historic mine with assays over 14 oz per tonne Gold . MT SICKER VMS PROPERTY. Three NEW VMS discoveries have been made on this 1700 acre Vancouver Island Property with more than 100 showings. Both of these discoveries need drilled ASAP.
British Columbia Gold Claims. Mining Company. Alberta Gold Mines & Exploration. Mining Company. Claim Jumpers. Local Business. Vancouver Island Gold Prospecting. Landmark & Historical Place. Goldpanning Vancouver Island. Tour Agency. Dose Media. Graphic Designer. Pelly Construction Ltd. Mining Company.
Prospecting and gold panning local river on Vancouver island with a couple of mining buddies, everyone was on the gold and survived this very wet trip, I w...
British Columbia Gold Claims. 1,164 likes. We specialize in quality mining properties throughout British Columbia for sale, lease and option.
The Zeballos Gold Property covers 2,514 contiguous acres (1,017 hectares) approximately three kilometers north of the village of Zeballos on the west coast of Vancouver Island in southwestern British Columbia. The property encompasses five past-producing gold mines with high-grade assays of gold …
"Legally, this is my claim. They own the rights to the timber. I own the rights to the minerals," said Woolsey. He recently joined the Vancouver Island Placer Miners Association, a …
A mineral or placer claim has a set expiry date (the "Good To Date"), and in order to maintain the claim beyond that expiry date, the recorded holder (or an agent) must, on or before the expiry date, register either exploration and development work that was performed on the claim, or a payment instead of exploration and development.
North Island Project Project Overview. NorthIsle's owned North Island Project is located at the north end of Vancouver Island west of the town of Port Hardy B.C. The project consists of approximately 33,000 hectares of mineral claims covering a 50 by 8 kilometre area west northwest of BHP Billiton's now closed Island Copper Mine.
Vancouver Island Gold Claim Project Vancouver Island Gold Claim Project. advice and tips; By SeaScene, September 1 in Detector Prospector Forum. Share ... Then get what you can afford, learn how to operate it, and if there's gold present, the detector will see it. Gold luck!
The Similkameen River and Tulameen River, and many of their tributaries, are rich in platinum as well as gold. No claims for sale at this time. Golden Area. There are a number of small placer areas in the region surrounding the town of Golden, on the Trans-Canada Highway, about 55 km from the Alberta border (as the crow flies). ...
British Columbia Mine Information. Ocean Base. Nat Geo World Map. World Topographic. World Imagery. Projects. Major Mine Permitted Areas. Places. 100 km.
Gold claims for sale along the mighty Fraser River. Not only is the Fraser the epicentre of the BC gold rush it continues to be a top prospect for placer mining. From the bars at Hope to the canyons through Lytton, Lillooet and beyond; these properties present an opportunity to start your BC gold …