Super White - Granite Countertop Solutions Slab Inventory
Information: Material Type: Celador. Actual Length: 49.18 in. Actual Width: 54.08 in. Thickness: 3 cm. Stone Level: Level 5

Information: Material Type: Celador. Actual Length: 49.18 in. Actual Width: 54.08 in. Thickness: 3 cm. Stone Level: Level 5
Information: Material Type: Celador. Actual Length: 42.21 in. Actual Width: 54.20 in. Thickness: 3 cm. Stone Level: Level 5
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Photo credit-M Yakub, Kitchen Habitat NYC The countertop, backsplash, and island are made from Stone Source material Celador, "Super White". All the edges on the island are mitered. The island has room for five bar stools.
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Celador Super White 100 Polished Engineered Stone c e r a m i c Ceramica - Bianca Gloss Ceramic white Axis - Cream Natural Porcelain Resorts - Bianco Matte Porcelain Geotech - Geowhite Matte Porcelain Folded - Bianco Matte Porcelain Flow - White Textured Porcelain Phenomenon Rain A Matte Porcelain Re-Use Bianco Ossigeno Matte Porcelain Floortech
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The upper cabinets have white matte lacquer finishes to match the Celador super white countertops and large center island. With the single slabbed Blue de …
Celador Quartz Description. Celador is a quartz based agglomerate, cast into tiles and slabs. Celador is highly durable and is suitable for many residential and commercial interior applications. Sizes. Standard nominal tiles sizes are 12"x12", 12"x24", 16"x16" …
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31.01.2013 - Super White- Celador. Celador is a quartz based agglomerate, cast into tiles and slabs. Celador is highly durable and is suitable for many residential and commercial interior applications.
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Superwhite. Polished. Celador 2.0 is a quartz-based agglomerate, cast into tiles and slabs. It is highly durable and is suitable for many residential and commercial …
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White. Print Spec Sheet. Celador 2.0,Celador 2.0-Residential,residential. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Celador 2.0 is a quartz based agglomerate, cast into tiles and slabs. Celador 2.0 is highly durable and is suitable for many residential and commercial …
Celador Quartz Description. Celador is a quartz based agglomerate, cast into tiles and slabs. Celador is highly durable and is suitable for many residential and commercial interior applications. Sizes. Standard nominal tiles sizes are 12"x12", 12"x24", 16"x16" …
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Photo credit-M Yakub, Kitchen Habitat NYC The countertop, backsplash, and island are made from Stone Source material Celador, "Super White". All the edges on the island are mitered. The island has room for five bar stools.
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