LEOs Zusatzinformationen: bearded seal - die Bartrobbe
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LEO: Your online dictionary for English-German translations. Offering forums, vocabulary trainer and language courses. Also available as App!
Bearded seal definition is - a large arctic hair seal (Erignathus barbatus) with a tuft of long whiskers on each side of the muzzle.
bearded seal in Japanese : アゴヒゲアザラシ…. click for more detailed Japanese meaning translation, meaning, pronunciation and example sentences.
bearded - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free.
Dictionary entry overview: What does bearded seal mean? • BEARDED SEAL (noun) The noun BEARDED SEAL has 1 sense:. 1. medium-sized greyish to yellow seal with bristles each side of muzzle; of the Arctic Ocean Familiarity information: BEARDED SEAL used as a noun is very rare.
brother-in-law to a bearded seal and then sank the seal. tradition-orale.ca. tradition-orale.ca. Papik a attaché son. [...] beau-fr ère à un phoque barbu et il a noyé le phoque. tradition-orale.ca.
Bearded seal pups can swim and dive up to 656 feet (200 m) within hours of being born. 4. Bearded seals are very vocal and capable of creating "trill" sounds that can be heard up to 12 miles away for as long as 3 minutes. 5. Bearded seals prefer to forage in …
When contracted, the pupil is typically pear-shaped, although the bearded seal's is more diagonal. In species that live in shallow water, such as harbor seals and California sea lions, dilation varies little, while the deep-diving elephant seals have much greater variation.
bearded seal: Dictionary/thesaurus [home, info] (Note: See bearded_seals for more definitions.) Quick definitions from WordNet (bearded seal) noun: medium-sized grayish to yellow seal with bristles each side of muzzle; of Arctic Ocean Also see bearded_seals
BEARDED SEAL (Erignathus barbatus): Alaska Stock . STOCK DEFINITION AND GEOGRAPHIC RANGE Bearded seals are circumpolar in their distribution, extending from the Arctic Ocean (85EN) south to Hokkaido (45N) in the E western Pacific. They generally inhabit areas of shallow water (less than 200 m) that are at least seasonally ice covered. During winter
Try the world's fastest, smartest dictionary: Start typing a word and you'll see the definition. Unlike most online dictionaries, we want you to find your word's meaning quickly. We don't care how many ads you see or how many pages you view. In fact, most of the time you'll find the word you are looking for after typing only one or two letters.
There have been isolated observations of walruses preying on seals up to the size of a 200 kg (440 lb) bearded seal. Der er blevet gjort isolerede observationer …
bearded seal (plural bearded seals) Erignathus barbatus, a medium-sized pinniped with conspicuous whiskers, found in and around the Arctic Ocean. Synonyms . oogruk, ugruk; …
'Some of the species found here include the walrus, polar bear, beluga, narwhal, bearded seals, harp seal, harbour seal, ringed seal, bowhead whale, ivory gull, and some migratory birds.' 'This learned history of the Far North probes the lives of narwhals, belugas, polar bears, humans, and other life forms that have eked out a living in ...
bearded seal: 1 n medium-sized greyish to yellow seal with bristles each side of muzzle; of the Arctic Ocean Synonyms: Erignathus barbatus, squareflipper square flipper Type of: earless seal, hair seal, true seal any of several seals lacking external ear flaps and having a stiff hairlike coat with hind limbs reduced to swimming flippers
Bearded seal definition: a large gray-to-golden seal, Erignathus barbatus, inhabiting the Arctic Ocean and... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Bearded - having hair on the cheeks and chin. square up. settle conclusively; come to terms; "We finally settled the argument" even up the edges of a stack paper, in …
Bearded Seal translation in English-Danish dictionary. Showing page 1. Found 2 sentences matching phrase "Bearded Seal".Found in 2 ms.
What does mukluk mean? A soft boot made of reindeer skin or sealskin and worn by Eskimos. (noun)
Define bearded seal. bearded seal synonyms, bearded seal pronunciation, bearded seal translation, English dictionary definition of bearded seal. n. A large Arctic seal having a gray to brown body with a small head and long whiskers.
Meaning and definitions of bearded seal, translation of bearded seal in Hindi language with similar and opposite words. Spoken pronunciation of bearded seal in English and in Hindi. Tags for the entry "bearded seal" What bearded seal means in Hindi, bearded seal meaning in Hindi, bearded seal definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples ...
Definition of bearded seal in the Definitions dictionary. Meaning of bearded seal. What does bearded seal mean? Information and translations of bearded seal in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Bearded tit definition is - a small long-tailed European titlike (Panurus biarmicus) that frequents reedy places, is largely orange-brown, black, and white, and in the male has a tuft of black feathers on each side of the face —called also reedling.
BEARDED SEAL (Erignathus barbatus nauticus): Alaska Stock STOCK DEFINITION AND GEOGRAPHIC RANGE Bearded seals are a boreoarctic species with a circumpolar distribution (Fedoseev 1965; Figure 1. The Alaska stock of bearded seals is defined as the portion of the Beringia DPS (dark shaded areas) in U.S. waters.
Definition of "Seal" at Define Simple Psychedelic Plain Text English Dictionary with Hyperlinks to The Free World Bank - A BIG Thinking Scientific Save the World High Level Concept on Amazon S3. DEFINE_COM_1634463589.html. #top. ... The bearded seal ({Erignathus barbatus}), ...
Bearded lady definition: a woman with a beard, esp in a circus or freakshow | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Definition of bearded seal in the Definitions dictionary. Meaning of bearded seal. Information and translations of bearded seal in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Synonyms for bearded seal in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for bearded seal. 2 synonyms for bearded seal: Erignathus barbatus, squareflipper square flipper. What are synonyms for bearded seal?
The bearded seal inhabits the arctic regions of the Atlantic Ocean, the Sea of Okhotsk, and the White, Barents, Kara, Chukchi, and Bering seas. It usually lives solitary in shallow waters and reproduces in the spring on drifting ice. It feeds on bottom invertebrates; more rarely, on fish. The bearded seal is a valuable object of commerce.