Schutte & Koerting • 2510 Metropolitan Drive, Trevose, PA 19053 •USA • tel: (215) 639-0900 • fax: (215) 639-1597 • • sales@s-k

Schutte & Koerting • 2510 Metropolitan Drive, Trevose, PA 19053 •USA • tel: (215) 639-0900 • fax: (215) 639-1597 • • sales@s-k
Fox eductors are widely installed for dilute phase pneumatic conveying of fragile foods such as extruded cereals, dog food, snack foods, green or roasted coffee beans, peanuts, and IQF fruit like apple bits and berries. Fox supplies 316 stainless sanitary/hygienic venturi eductors with highly polished and ground internals and tri-clamp ends ...
Pneumatic Conveying Using Venturi Eductors. Venturi Eductors are commonly used for pneumatically conveying material particles in the dilute phase. This type of system creates two effects: the suction in the feed inlet and the positive pressure that pushes the particles into the conveying system. The eductor introduces a driving air from a ...
The venturi eductor has long been used as a pipeline feeding device in pneumatic conveying systems. The early ejector patents of 1870 and 1936 even suggested, in nebulous language, their ability to "convey dusts and powders." No substantive analysis of a venturi eductor's ability to convey particulates was found in the technical literature. Consequently, a joint research project was undertaken ...
Pneumatic conveying eductors. CON-V-AIR's pneumatic conveying eductors offer low cost solution to trouble free conveying of bulk solids. With convey rates of up to 20 000 pounds per hour and no moving parts, the conveying eductor can be operated 24 hours, 7 …
The maximum limit for venturi eductor-based pneumatic conveying systems is transport capacity up to 15 tonnes per hour over distances up to 100 meters. It is possible to design systems beyond these limits; however, an expert pneumatic conveying systems …
Fox Eductor conveying systems are capable of rates of up to 20 tons per hour, depending on product and distance. Conveying distances of more than 200 m are common, but at much lower convey rates. Typical Fox Eductor system convey line sizes range from 1 inch (25mm), to 10 inch (250mm).
Why are eductors used in pneumatic conveying systems? • Fox Venturi Eductors have No Moving Parts – allowing for maintenance-free feeding of bulk solids. In applications involving fine, abrasive, or irregularly-shaped products, this is an enormous advantage. Replacement of existing rotary airlocks with venturi eductors makes for simpler,
The venturi eductor has long been used as a pipeline feeding device in pneumatic conveying systems. The early ejector patents of 1870 and 1936 even suggested, in nebulous language, their ability to "convey dusts and powders." No substantive analysis of a venturi eductor's ability to convey particulates was found in the technical literature.
Venturi eductors for penumatic conveying. The Venturi effect convey powders with a pull-push pneumatic system. In the dilute phase pneumatic conveying with eductors the Venturi effect is exploited in order to obtain a double effect: it creates a negative pressure at the feed inlet from which the material is sucked and then pushed into the line pressure (pull-push).
Hopper Eductors are also used extensively for ejecting sludge's from tank bottoms, for pumping sand from filter beds and for washing and conveying granular materials. Typical materials handled can be borax, charcoal, diatomaceous earth, lime, mash, fly ash, rosin, rock, activated carbon powder, granulated salt, sand, dry sawdust, light soda ash ...
The Pneumatic Conveyor Eductor is widely used in pneumatic ash removal system of thermal power plant, powder conveying in water conservancy and hydropower construction site and concrete mixing plant and mixing station and the powder conveying and transportation in metallurgy, chemical industry, construction, wharf industry etc.
Pneumatic conveying eductors. CON-V-AIR's pneumatic conveying eductors offer low cost solution to trouble free conveying of bulk solids. With convey rates of up to 20 000 pounds per hour and no moving parts, the conveying eductor can be operated 24 hours, 7 …
Dilute phase pneumatic conveying is a method of moving non-abrasive, non-fragile materials that have a low bulk density. Our system incorporates high gas volume at low pressure, entraining the materials in the gas flow and conveys one of two ways: pressure or vacuum. In pressure conveying a high volume of low-pressure air transfers material at ...
Over many years, pneumatic conveying threads are discussed in this forum, whereby it is noticed that in the recent years, the number of threads drastically dropped in numbers. Most of the questions were about theory, quick answers, problem solving and many questions were asking for free engineering. Also a number of forum members have contributed to the promotion of better …
Applications by Industry – Pneumatic Conveying with Venturi Eductors Power Applications Fox Venturi Eductors have been used since the 1960's to provide reliable, maintenance-free conveying of fuels, sorbents, additives, ash, dried sludge, and other many other solids when 24/7 reliability is required.
Venturi Eductor with Filter Dust Collection System Customize a conveying solution for your business with our pneumatic industrial conveying systems. Quickdraft has experience conveying virtually any materials including paper, film, plastics and polymers of all kinds, nonwovens, fiberglass, rubber, etc.
Fox Solids Conveying Eductors for Pneumatic Conveying with No Moving Parts. Liquid-driven mini-eductors are used in a huge variety of industrial applications — especially for replacing and eliminating expensive small pumps in corrosive, explosive, high purity, or toxic applications — including:. Motive liquid flow rates range from 0.
Pneumatic Conveying Eductors For Handling Dry Solids (employ motive air from a compressed air source or a blower to entrain and transport solids) Eductors Using Liquid in Handling Dry Solids (use liquid under pressure which issues through a nozzle in the eductor and produces a high velocity jet to transport granular solids or slurries)
Custom Pneumatic Conveying Solutions Nearly any solid in either particulate, pellet, granular or powdered form can be conveyed using compressed air. Morris Ejector Technologies custom design, manufacture & supply Eductors and Ejectors for use as Venturi Feed Devices for transporting solids in a dilute phase pneumatic conveying system.
Quote form for pneumatic conveying eductors for handling dry solids. Supply motive air pressure, horizontal and vertical discharge distance, line size, suction conditions, abrasive characteristics and construction requirements.
A pneumatic conveying system that requires suction and varying pressure applications within the pipeline is better off with a venturi system. However, for industries requiring the continuous charging of bulk powders such as the following, it may be better to use rotary valves. Agriculture and pet food. Aggregates, asphalt and cement.
The eductor allows for movement of material in continuous form and without any moving components in the conveying air stream thus making it a maintenance free system. This pneumatic conveying system is specially designed for dust-free operation.
Superior design and precision manufacturing make the Quickdraft Venturi Eductor the most efficient, consistent and reliable method for maintaining conveying process requirements. No obstructions to the material flow and all moving parts are external to the air stream. Little or no maintenance. Consistent, dependable conveying performance.
https://cmtnc/COMPONENTS/Fox-Venturi-Eductor/fox-venturi-eductor.html CMT provides Fox Venturi Eductors. Venturi Eductors are used to feed bulk solids - ...
Solids conveying eductors are commonly used to feed powders, pellets, and bulk solids into pneumatic conveying systems. Because they have no moving parts, they can essentially operate maintenance-free, providing business owners with many years of efficient operation. To highlight just a few of the many reasons that solids conveying eductors are ...
Carolina Material Technologies provides pneumatic conveying systems designed to transfer bulk solids and powders, including Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveyors, Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveyors, Pneumatic Conveying Venturi Eductors, Airslides, and other Pressure and Vacuum Systems. Our experts at CMT are knowledgeable in how various materials ...
Conveying eductors enable the use of low pressure air to be used to move powders, pellets, and bulk solids with no moving parts. Conveying eductors have a major advantage over rotary airlocks. No maintenance as there are no moving parts. No blow-back, dry bulk is actually sucked into the line.
Solid Conveying Eductor. Converts the output of a blower into suction that can be used to entrain and feed powders, pellets, and bulk solids into a pneumatic conveying system. Because they have no moving parts, they can operate almost entirely maintenance-free.
Fox Venturi Eductors for Pneumatic Conveying Applications in Blower and Vacuum Industrial Process Systems. https://cmtnc/fox-venturi-eductors-for-pneumat...