Grey Clay Fill Dirt for Waterproofing Foundations
Grey Clay fill dirt is sold by the ton in bulk for waterproofing of basement and foundations. Delivery of grey clay is available from Federouch Landscape Supply Soil, Fill Dirt and Soil Blends

Grey Clay fill dirt is sold by the ton in bulk for waterproofing of basement and foundations. Delivery of grey clay is available from Federouch Landscape Supply Soil, Fill Dirt and Soil Blends
kaolin clay Kaolin clay, also known as kaolinite, is the most abundant of clays, occurring as a silicate mineral all over the world, especially in soil subjected to weathering in tropical climates.Similarly, although kaolin is mined in more than a dozen countries, …
Soil Samples (Soil Texture) This is a great kit for teaching students about soil textures. The soils samples are intended for students who are doing a texture analysis by feel and appearance. The kit includes two cups of sand, two cups of silt loam, and two cups clay. All of the soil samples are from the state of Utah and are representative of ...
Products Top Quality Top Soil Our topsoil is double screened to remove debris and other inorganic pieces that would hinder the growth of your plants and vegetables. We take pride in providing top quality soil to our customers. Whether your doing a landscaping project, resodding your lawn or simply adding a garden to your home, […]
We'd be happy to help you choose the right soil for your location. Fill Dirt. Fill dirt (Georgia red clay) is an affordable and safe option for filling in an area. We choose the best clay available with minimal rocks and debris. We offer high-clay content fill dirt as well as "sugar dirt" that is more granular.
Once complete, the soil mixture must be thoroughly compacted with a pad-foot roller. Very dry soil will need to have water applied to the soil/bentonite mixture before rolling to ensure complete compaction. The mixed method for applying bentonite clay does allow application on steep slopes up to 45 degrees.
SOILS. Ball Clay. Ball Clay is a screened material used on the infield of baseball field diamonds. Clay. Clay is a High PI material, used primarily for things such as lining a stock pond, or other applications where the water table and the effects of water are taken into consideration.
Landscapers Compost Blend conditions the soil and improves aeration, drainage, water and nutrient-holding capacity. Landscape Compost is a good addition for heavy clay soils particularly at new home sites and good pre-plant conditioner for new lawns and gardens. Landscape Compost is produced from 70 percent compost and 30 percent Nitrified Sawdust.
Baseball Field Infield Mix Clay. For baseball fields, we offer our super, all natural baseball clay mix, which is 50-60% clay and 40-50% sand. This mixture of baseball infield dirt makes a great infield surface and pitchers mound. The color varies depending on the …
CC Calhoun - Clay, Sand and Construction Grade Fill Dirt. +1 863-292-9511. Home About products mines Get a quote Contact. quality for over 75 years. Clay, Soil and Sand for All Your Construction and Residential Projects. We own and operate mine sites in Central Florida and Georgia and have been a leading materials provider to commercial and ...
Natural Soils in North Texas. Screened Top Soil #1. 2-Way Mix Topsoil Compost. Garden Soil. Sandy Loam. Super Sandy Loam. Top Dressing. Select Fill #1. Select Fill #2. Baseball Clay. Reject Soil. MONTAGUE COUNTY, COOKE COUNTY, GRAYSON COUNTY, WISE COUNTY, DENTON COUNTY, COLLIN COUNTY, PARKER COUNTY, TARRANT COUNTY, DALLAS COUNTY, ROCKWALL ...
A: In the simplest terms, clay, is soil. Now. Baseball clay is a type of soil that has the perfect characteristics for a playing surface. Ideal baseball clay contains 30-40 percent clay, more than that and the field would be too hard, less than that will make the ball stop to quickly.
Soil Sand Gravel Stone Volume Calc. Screened Top Soil. Enriched with compost, easier to work with - $49 a scoop. Topsoil. Good soil but really clumpy - $35 a scoop. Fill Dirt. ia Red Clay $14 a scoop. Garden Mix. Leaf compost, topsoil, sawdust, & manure. $46 a scoop. Cow Manure Compost. Seasoned Cow Manure $34 a scoop For yard ...
Clay. SLM's clay is designed to maximize safety, playability, drainage, and create an overall pleasing appearance. It is great as a ground for baseball fields, tennis courts, or even ball courts. Typical applications for clay would be in projects where a highly cohesive soil is desired to limit water penetration or to limit erosion in certain ...
Show details. Hide details. Choose items to buy together. This item: (USA Warehouse) RED DIRT SOIL CLAY GEORGIA -/PT# HF983-1754420212. $17.99. In Stock. Ships from and sold by Hannibal's Diner.
Japanese Irises, also called Butterfly Iris are great in moist spots! Shop American Meadows for Iris Perennials including: Japanese Irises, Siberian Irises, Louisiana Irises and more. Buy Irises today and save! | Ideal Region: Southwest
This blended soil is a mixture of topsoil, compost, and sand. This topsoil has been screened to remove most stones and other debris often found in screened soils. We highly recommend this product for lawn, grading or planting work. $17.96 Per Yard. Screened Topsoil.
CLAYBUSTER. $26.00/Cubic Yard. All natural and organic, aides in loosening packed clay. Common uses: Prepare area for new sod. Till Claybuster into existing soil. Planting or transplanting trees or shrubs, put Claybuster in hole to a 2" depth. Put plant in hole, then mix 1 part Claybuster with 2 parts native soil to fill around plant's root ...
Dry Topsoil-a silty clay loam from southern Illinois; good for lawns, flower beds, or filling in areas in your landscape. We have it under roof, so dry soil is always available for your projects. Sand -Concrete sand suitable for spreading under pavers, in patios and walks.
Details. Ideal for repairing mounds and batter's boxes. Compacts hard with moisture. Dries quickly after a rain without leaving a mess like standard clay products. The ratio is 25% sand, 40% silt, and 35% clay. Call for shipping quote on pallet of crimson clay. More Information.
Service since 1968. West Coast Sand & Gravel Inc. has been producing high quality golf course and baseball field materials for you since 2001. We manufacture USGA approved materials for all of your golf construction and maintenance needs. We also directly manage all product manufacturing, with testing at our own laboratory to assure great ...
Suggested Uses*: This material is used in much the same way that blue clay is, but it is of a different coarseness, and it may also contain tailings. Be sure to consult code before deciding whether to use blue clay or pond silt. Crushed Item 4. Material: Crushed Item 4. Price: $22.00/ton.
About This Product. A reliable, high-density mound and plate clay that's easy to install and maintain. Clay-silt mixture bonds firmly and quickly to help streamline installation. Highly durable for long-lasting performance and wear resistance. A good fit across different geographies and climates, and …
Other Name(s): Puddling Clay Consists of: Puddle Clay has been used for hundreds of years mainly as lining in the construction of reservoirs and canals although the product is increasingly used for lining and capping of landfill sites to prevent harmful leaching. Historically Puddle Clay was laid in the base of a canal or lake before sheep or cattle were herded round and round to compress ...
Assuming you have clay soil… you would want to add more clay soil to match the clay soil below your top soil. The dense clay is what will direct your water in any directiong. So you could scrape back the decent top soil you have until you get to the subsoil and then add the new clay soil….. Increasing the slope. Then pull the decent top ...
Plants that thrive in clay are extremely hardy, and their root systems are strong enough to break through the heavy soils and handle the compaction that can occur. Clay soils absorb water slowly and retain it for a long time. When dry, clay soils harden and …
20-200. Price. $ 30.00. $ 28.00. $ 25.00. For an order over 20 cubic yards, please contact Kirsten at 513-271-1119 to schedule delivery. Clay Dirt* quantity. Add to cart.
Loam, compost and top soil from Landscape Depot. We have locations in Shrewsbury, Framingham, and Milford Massachusetts ( MA ). Visit our site for your loam, compost, and top soil needs.
Over-watering a yard with clay soil is a mistake that many homeowners and gardeners make as the very nature of clay suggests less frequent watering. Rather than running the irrigation daily for short periods of time, the most efficient way to water a garden with clay soil is to water less frequently but deeply, for example, watering twice a day ...