Rhus chinensis is lesser known highly acidic fruit, traditionally used for its digestive properties and treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and gastrointestinal ailments. The parts of the plant that ...

Rhus chinensis is lesser known highly acidic fruit, traditionally used for its digestive properties and treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and gastrointestinal ailments. The parts of the plant that ...
Rhus chinensis Mill (also known as Rhus semialata Murray, Family Anacardiaceae) is a deciduous underutilized wild edible fruit tree. It is native to China and Japan and distributed in tropical and ...
In this study, complete chloroplast genome sequences of Rhus chinensis was characterized by de novo assembly using whole genome sequence data. The chloroplast genome of R. chinensis were 149,011bp ...
Galla chinensis or Galla rhois is the term used to describe the gall caused by the Chinese aphid, Schlech- TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL USE Among Rhus species, Rhus chinensis and its gall, Galla chinensis, have a …
Image Owen Johnson. A small deciduous tree, sometimes 20 ft or more high, with a short trunk and a rounded gauntly branched head; branchlets yellowish, downy; winter-buds brown, velvety. Leaves pinnate, varying in size according to the vigour of the plant, ordinarily from 8 to 15 in. long, and composed of seven to thirteen leaflets, between ...
DOI: 10.1016/j.cofs.2022.100925 Corpus ID: 252253912; Phytochemical characteristics and biological activities of Rhus chinensis Mill.: a review …
Request PDF | Dammarane-Type Triterpenoids from the Roots of Rhus chinensis and Their Preventive Effects on Zebrafish Heart Failure and Thrombosis | Eight new dammarane-type triterpenoids (1-8 ...
Rhus chinensis, a tree of major economic importance in China, belongs to the Anacardiaceae. It is the summer host of the aphid Melaphis chinensis which produces a leaf gall utilized for medicinal ...
Rhus chinensis is a tree of major economic importance in China, be-longing to the family Anacardiaceae. It is the summer host of the aphid Melaphis chinensis, which produces leaf galls used for medicinal purposes (Li et al. 2022). In August 2021 and June 2022, dark brown spots were observed on young branches of R. chinensis in Wufeng, Hubei ...
The analysis of physicochemical index and fatty acid composition has been conducted for the gallnut oil and the rhus chinensis oil by means of GB.The result shows that the level of oil in the rhus chinensis the level of contains 13.78% the level of,unsatured fatty acids(UFA) is up to 72.11%,where the content of oleic acid is 12.12% the level of,Linoleic …
Rhus chinensis Mill. Rhus chinensis Mill. This name is reported by Anacardiaceae as an accepted name in the genus Rhus (family Anacardiaceae ). The record derives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on ) which reports it as an accepted name. Cite taxon page as 'WFO (2024): Rhus chinensis Mill.
Introduction Rhus chinensis Mill., has a long history of traditional medicinal and culinary use by native people of North-Eastern part of India. It is considered as a …
Discussion. The review investigated the traditional medicinal uses, biological and pharmacological properties, nutritional properties and its application. The nature of …
Rhus chinensis Mill, also known as the Chinese sumac or nutgall tree, is a perennial deciduous shrub that belongs to *Address correspondence to this author at the Central Department of Chemistry ...
Rhus chinensis near our laboratory in Taiyuan, Sha nxi, China, in October 2019. Winged females der ived from a single clone wer e obtained by dissect ing the gall and separating aphids from ...
R. chinensis have been used as folk medicine in Asia for thousands of years to treat various diseases, especially the gall [known as gallnut, whose scientific name …
The aim of this study was to collate and review the fragmented information on ethnomedicinal, phytochemistry and biological activities Rhus species and present …
Conclusion: Rhus chinensis Mill is a potent antioxidant and inhibits enzymes; α-glucosidase and α-amylase. In addition, the methanolic extract of this plant shows antibacterial activity.
Abstract. Rhus chinensis Mill (also known as Rhus semialata Murray, Family Anacardiaceae) is a deciduous underutilized wild edible fruit tree. It is native to China and Japan and distributed in tropical and subtropical regions at an altitude of 1300 to 2400 m asl in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Malaysia, Mayamar, Java, Europe, Ceylon, Korea.
Chinese gall. R. chinensis is a upright, deciduous tree to 6m,with stout, downy shoots and mid-green leaves up to 40cm long, composed of7 to 13 leaflets, and turning red in autumn. Upright sprays of yellow-white flowers in late summer are …
Conclusion. In order to discover more compounds with novel structures to both enrich chemical context of genus Rhus and expand the variety of constituents, the phytochemical research is urgent and indispensable. Anti-diarrhea, the most widely application of R. chinensis traditionally, is insufficient in underlying mechanism …
In a recent high-throughput screening, we identified Rhus chinensis (Mill.) gallnut (RCG) (also known as Galla Chinensis) extract as a potent (IC50 < 1 µg/mL) …
2021 •. Ila Shrestha. Download Free PDF. View PDF. A Review of Biological Activities and Phytochemistry of Rhus Species. 2021 •. Sylvia Opiyo. The genus Rhus (family: Anacardiaceae, order: Sapindales) …
This is the first report of R. chinensis chloroplast genomes by de novo sequencing. The results showed that the length of R. chinensis was 159,082 bp. The length of LSC and SSC was 85,394 bp and ...
The life cycle of Schlechtendalia chinensis comprises several generations and alternates between two unrelated host plants. (1) A wingless foundress is produced on its primary host Rhus chinensis ...
Aim of this review: This review targets on the ethnomedicinal applications of R. chinensis and to gather the phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological data …
@article{Ye2023TriterpenoidsWD, title={Triterpenoids with diverse skeletons from the roots of Rhus chinensis and their protective effects on isoproterenol-induced heart failure in zebrafish.}, author={Miao Ye and Lingjie Ruan and Li-na Huang and Haiyin Zheng and Wen Xu and Wei Xu and Lixia Chen and Hua Li}, journal={Phytochemistry}, …
Rhus chinensis is a deciduous Tree growing to 6 m (19ft 8in). See above for USDA hardiness. It is hardy to UK zone 8 and is frost tender. It is in flower in August, and the seeds ripen in October. The species is dioecious (individual flowers are either male or , but only one is to be found on any one plant so both male and plants …
DOI: 10.1016/j.cofs.2022.100925 Corpus ID: 252253912; Phytochemical characteristics and biological activities of Rhus chinensis Mill.: a review @article{Zhang2022PhytochemicalCA, title={Phytochemical characteristics and biological activities of Rhus chinensis Mill.: a review}, author={Yi Zhang and Yuanyue Zhang and …
T. YamazakiRhus japonicaBuch.-Ham ex D. Don Rhus chinensis var. glabraS.B. Liang. Rhus chinensis[ 1] är en sumakväxtart som beskrevs av Philip Miller. Rhus chinensis ingår i släktet sumaker, och familjen sumakväxter. [ 2][ 3] Utöver nominatformen finns också underarten R. c. roxburghii.